Metal-faced polyurethane sandwich panels are the system of choice today for large industrial buildings, refrigerated warehouses, office blocks, porta cabins , clean room , schools and industrial enclosures.
The aluminium or steel facings themselves are surface coated and can be Manufactured with profiles of various depths leading to a higher load bearing. Polyurethane sandwich panels come complete with specially formed tongue-and - groove joinus ensuring a perfect fit and maximum integrity. Assembly is fast, easy and cost effective.
The resultant sandwich panel has a load-dearing capability many timesgreater than that achieved by adding together the load-bearing capacities of the individul layers. As a result, these thin, relatively lightweight sandwich panel can safely bridge wide spans. For example, a panel just 100mm thick can easily bridge a clear spaan of some 6 meters.
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Energy efficiency :
With 80 mm thick sandwich panels with polyurethane rigid foam, the U value is 0.297 WM& ha In comparison, a solid wall with 24 cm thick masonry and 2 cm plaster walls has U value of 1.85 Wilm2 K).

Rigid polyurethane foam combines excellent thermal insulation properties with good mechanical strength, making it an outstanding construction material that does not rot, mold-resistant, odorless and non-toxic for all conceivable applications. The foam is resistant to the chemicals typically useci in construction and is compatible
with most solvent-containing adhesives, paint and wood preservatives. Polyurethane rigid foam is extremely durable and can be installed easily and securely, ensuring cost-effective, efficient construction.
Cooline manufacture, trade and supply a wide range of PUF Panels. Our designed structure is crafted and fabricated by our qualified professionals using best quality raw material. PUF Panels are used to build roofs and walls, their preference in the market is quite high. This structure is highly demanded in the market owing to its stability and good strength. Generally PUF Panels is being used in several industries such as Cold Storages, Prefabricated Shelters and Prefab houses. These panels are packed with high density foam to ensure perfect insulation. We offer world-class PUF panels with complete system is air-tight, hygienic, highly energy-efficient and built for lifetime use. Our offered PUF panels have excellent thermal-acoustic resistance and has been designed to take care all cooling requirements.